Matric Rage 2024

We have successfully hosted over 242 Matric Rage students since taking over the property. This will be our 10th Matric Rage and the previous owners hosted Matric’s for 12 years.

The dates for Matric Rage 2024 are 30th November to 8th December 2024.

We are taking bookings on a first come first served basis for the period 30th November – 8 Dec (8 nights).

We are 14kms out of town but we are NOT on the official Matric Rage 2024 Taxi Route.

Availability and Booking

Students will need to budget extra for transport to and from the lodge (R90 per person per trip during the day and R90 per person per trip at night).

The following rules apply in our premises and are strictly enforced.

  • No smoking in the rooms or building. Area’s outside have been allocated for smoking.
  • We have Septic tanks, only Pee, Poo and Paper to be flushed
  • A refundable breakages deposit of R1000.00 per person is payable on arrival.
  • Anyone found harming or chasing our tame deer will be evicted IMMEDIATELY
  • Fires are only allowed in the braais and bonfire area NO WHERE ELSE
  • No bad attitude – everyone is here to enjoy themselves.
  • No student is allowed to stay without parents consent.
  • When returning late at night, please take other guests into consideration – BE QUIET
  • Any damages incurred by guests, will be recovered from their breakages deposit
  • NO REFUNDS will be made should you shorten your stay.
  • We are not responsible for any injury on our premises or outside of the premises.
  • Permission is to be obtained from management for any friends brought onto premises. Should
    this not be adhered to, management has the right to evict the group involved, without
    refunding any payments made. You are responsible for your friends behaviour.
    No friends allowed after 11:00pm.
  • Plett Forest Cabins is not responsible for your Doctors Bills
  • No dangerous weapons of any description allowed on the premises.
  • Full payment is required no later than 1 November 2024. If payment is not received your
    reservation will be cancelled.
  • Bookings are regarded as final and no deposits will be refunded if cancelled.
    Check-in is after 2pm. Checkout no later than 10am on the day of departure.
  • A rage contract must be completed and signed by each member of the group
    and a parent and emailed back to us ( no later than 31 October 2024
  • Drinking and Driving will NOT BE TOLERATED keys will be confiscated
  • This establishment reserves the right to evict any persons or groups who break the
    above rules, without refunding their monies.

Plettenberg Bay Matric Rage 2015 Plett Forest Cabins  Matric Rage 2015 Plett Forest Cabins

Matric Rage 2015 Plett Forest Cabins

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